Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Success Factors thai amulet

A university graduate approach me, he told me that he has problems finding jobs after graduated from university for a few years. He was out of job for some time. He told me to help him. I told him, getting a job FAST is not good enough, must make sure get a GOOD job also. I recommend him a career thai amulet. Soon, good news came:

[18/09, 23:58] : Thanks to your good amulets!! :))
[18/09, 23:59] : Haha! Thanks bro!
[18/09, 23:59] : Wouldn't have been possible without you.. :)

Near death experience

Definitely, not everyone want this. But a buyer who has escape death message us to thank us. After having a ritual with us, she experience t...